Last Friday, 11/11/11, I had the privilege of joining some Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom veterans on Radio Station KOA850 in Denver, Colorado, to talk about health care issues affecting veterans. The very active veteran’s groups in Colorado (including VFW Post #1 – the very first VFW post in the nation!) are doing great things to advance veteran’s healthcare causes.
One new group is called Operation TBI Freedom, which is a comprehensive case management program to help veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and their families wade through the healthcare system to get the treatement and services they need. You can find them at The other program is a terrific suicide prevention program for veterans – you can find out more about that at
I was able to talk about how the Tailwind is helping veterans with TBI at various military and civilian hospitals around the country. In addition, I announced a new program for veterans that will be available around the first of the new year, in which veterans who need the Tailwind for arm rehabilitation can order one FOR FREE at their local veteran’s hospital. More to come on that….
In all, I was honored and thrilled to be included in this on-air discussion of this important issue. Thanks to KOA850 for inviting me!